Israel President ever, which I have been declared to be, you will have the most anti-Israel President by far." ...
Are you doing the Daf Yomi or wish you were? Check out the Brain Teaser and see if you caught this info as the daf flew by! And if not, don’t feel bad, just click the link below and you’ll get the ...
The mitzvot enable us to take the most basic things of all: our bodies, our possessions, our most physical parts, and to sanctify them.
His sticker bears the Hebrew words Don’t wait for them to ask, just help! encapsulating his essence as a caring, proactive individual.
The Israeli Air Force hit some 30 Hezbollah launchers and other positions on Thursday night, after Hezbollah struck Metula, according to a Reuters report. It’s estimated that 150 loaded Hezbollah ...
IDF soldiers ambushed and eliminated two Hezbollah terrorists in southern Lebanon, near Israel’s northern border on Monday morning, it was revealed.
While confused American Jews continue to vote overwhelmingly for Democratic candidates, in Israel it is the opposite. Israelis know what Trump did for them as president, and they greatly appreciate it ...
פרסום ראשון: שבועיים לאחר מכונית התופת – מטען חבלה נוסף סמוך לעטרת. מחבלים ערבים שהגיעו מהכפר אום צפא הטמינו מטען חבלה רב עוצמה על אחד הכבישים בגבעת הסלעים שבשטח הישוב עטרת, בה מבוצעות עבודות פיתוח ...
I received an email from a sophomore at New York University, my alma mater. He writes:“Last year at NYU there was a lot of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish hatred on campus which motivated me to inve ...
As mentioned, the siddur also included a complete Sefer Tehillim, divided according to the days of the week and month, something which was also considered part of the classical world of Jewish women’s ...
Winston Churchill statue in Parliament Square, London. Here’s an experiment. Walk around the great monuments of Washington D.C. There, at the far end, is the figure of Abraham Lincoln, four times life ...
I recently acquired a fine copy of a first edition of his Chochmat Adam, published in Vilna in 1815. His Chayei Adam, published prior, did not contain any approbation.