The newsroom won six first, nine second and six third place awards. The wins included a sweep of the graphic/illustration ...
The Star Health chatbots feature a welcome message stating they are “by xenZen” and have been operational since at least Aug.
Here is an extraordinary and arresting statistic: of 71 countries, the UK ranks second to last in mental health. Only the ...
Industry experts believe that health insurance companies are unlikely to experience business cannibalisation due to the ...
Kickball Robert F. Kennedy Jr. may end up getting tapped to run the US Department of Health and Human Services if Donald ...
Expectant parents are being encouraged to bond with their babies before birth thanks to a new book supported by the ...
Arom Arunrot, a 64-year-old woman from Thailand, survived a harrowing two-hour battle with a reticulated python inside her ...
The need for power, wealth, and dominance at the cost of other people's lives is a crime that will hopefully not be tolerated ...
War or another global pandemic, Microsoft CEO Bill Gates is cautioning that, if the world manages to avoid the former, the ...
Three scientists are honored for developing a class of blockbuster weight-loss drugs. Is a Nobel prize on the way?
Warning: This article makes mention of depression, anxiety, an eating disorder, and suicidal feelings. "You'll never be rich ...
A recent study has uncovered a significant link between chronic exposure to air pollution and an increased risk of various ...