Our calculator enables you to calculate the Monthly Average Balance (MAB) required to be maintained in your savings account based on inputs provided by you. Step 1: Enter the MAB required to be ...
Our approach to ESG is guided by the philosophy of promoting long-term sustainable growth through business initiatives and responsible corporate citizenship. Building on our business principles of ...
Customer-centricity is core to the Bank’s strategy in growing our business and delivering customer delight. The approach is to take the entire bank to the customer and offer solutions that are ...
At ICICI Bank, we recognise the importance of sustainability not just in our operations, but in how we present ourselves digitally. In line with this commitment, we have embraced a carbon-conscious ...
Managing finances often involves navigating online banking platforms, mobile apps and various financial documents. There are times when we may need to provide our Bank Account Number for transactions, ...
We are committed to maintaining high standards of governance in the conduct of our business and continuously strive to create lasting value for all our stakeholders. ICICI Bank focusses on maintaining ...
ICICI Bank through its philanthropic arm, ICICI Foundation, is actively working for the welfare of the underprivileged communities in the country. Several projects have been launched to support the ...
The Bank aims to act responsibly and with integrity in all tax matters. The Bank’s tax approach consists of ensuring a timely and comprehensive compliance of its tax obligations in India as well as in ...
Building trust with all stakeholders is critical to ICICI Bank’s strategic objectives. The Bank continues to focus on a strong risk and compliance culture that underpins our engagement with them. The ...
As a financial intermediary, the Bank is exposed to various risks related to credit, market, liquidity, operation, technology, cyber, compliance, legal and reputation. The Bank is committed to ...
Since 2010, ICICI Bank has been supporting two Rural Self Employment Training Institutes (RSETIs), managed by ICICI Foundation for Inclusive Growth. These RSETIs are being operated by ICICI Satat ...
ICICI Bank has developed a robust rural and inclusive banking strategy to address the needs of India’s rural segment. This strategy is based on the integrated nature of the rural ecosystem and is ...