We might not always want to think too hard about it but can be strange to imagine that our fish (or maybe just their ...
We might not always want to think too hard about it but can be strange to imagine that our fish (or maybe just their ...
Assuming you’re talking aboutTetraodon baileyi, this species is a lot like other ‘lurker’ pufferfish in preferring habitats with brisk currents and plenty of oxygen. They like to lurk among smooth ...
Corydoras like to root around in the substrate for food. So what should we use in the aquarium to allow them to behave naturally, without damage to their barbels? Heiko Bleher explains. I strongly ...
A new species of sea snail has been named after the lead singer of The Clash, Joe Strummer. Alviniconcha strummeri is one of five new species of Alviniconcha described by a team from Monterey Bay ...
Freshwater shrimps have never been more popular. Ade Dunn explains how to keep and breed those of the Neocaridina genus. A genus of dwarf freshwater shrimp, Neocaridina include varieties such as ...
This squid has always got a smile on its face! The skin pigmentation of this little deep water squid gives it a huge grin, while the tentacles seem to form a mass of curly 'hair', combining to give it ...
Origin: Museum records show that the species has been collected from Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Cambodia and Brunei Darussalam. The fish is known from the Maeklong, Mekong and Chao Phraya ...
We look at the fascinating darter tetra group from South America and, using some of your frequently asked questions, explain why they make great additions to the community tank. What are darter tetras ...
JBL has released a new snail trap – the Limcollect II. For those who haven't used one before these are quite effective and this model shows real promise too. Basically you put a fish food tablet in ...
Heiko Bleher reveals some of the Apistogramma species which he found recently in South America. Apistogramma sp. aff. personata (pictured above) Origin: Río Inirida caño near El Remanso, ...
Aquascaping your reef tank? Jeremy Gay offers some advice. The traditional marine tank aquascape uses lots of live rock, piled left to right, front to back, filling the tank. Corals are then spaced ...