The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has published its Independent Observer (IO) team report regarding the anti-doping program ...
The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is pleased to announce that, effective 1 September, Ndiate Chaya Ndiaye has joined the ...
Webinar for prospective applicants to be held on 2 October  The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is pleased to launch a Call ...
WADA's Independent Observer Report from the 2023 Pan American Games, Santiago, Chile.
The use of performance-enhancing substances has historic foundations in man’s desire to create a body-building “wonder drug”. In the United States, there has been a rapid rise in the availability and ...
Growth hormone (GH) is a naturally occurring hormone produced by the pituitary gland, which has strong growth-promoting properties regulating muscle and fat tissue and is widely accepted as being a ...
Detecting the use of androgenic anabolic steroids, potentially endogenous in humans, and which are prohibited substances in sport doping control programmes, still represents a major challenge to the ...
L'Agence mondiale antidopage (AMA) a le plaisir de lancer un appel à propositions pour son Programme de bourses de recherche en sciences sociales 2025 (programme de bourses). La recherche en sciences ...
Rapport des observateurs indépendants de l'AMA aux Jeux panaméricains de 2023, Santiago, Chili. Ce document n'est disponible qu'en anglais.